Call us for an initial consultation | 860-388-3599 | 222 Old Boston Post Rd., Old Saybrook, CT 06475 |
When you have a delinquent tax liability, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has the authority to garnish your wages, also called a levy on your wages. The IRS defines a levy as a legal seizure of your property to satisfy an outstanding tax debt. If you do not pay your outstanding debt, the IRS can levy on any property that you own, which may include a direct withdrawal from your wages. It is very important to pay your tax liability each year, even if it is a small one, so that you do not find yourself facing wage garnishment in the future. Attorney Raymond J. Muratori understands that wage garnishment can destroy your economic stability and can help you get the wage levy abated. Mr. Muratori is an experienced Old Saybrook wage garnishment attorney that is prepared to help you understand your options, and take any legal actions to protect your finances now and in the future.
The IRS will levy your wages only after certain requirements are met. These requirements include sending you a Notice and Demand for Payment; your subsequent refusal or neglect to pay the tax liability; and finally sending you a notice of levy. This final notice is normally given at least 30 days before the levy and advises you of your right to a hearing.
A knowledgeable tax attorney can assist you when communicating with the IRS. Even if the IRS has already levied your wages or another asset, an attorney can help potentially reverse the situation. If you can demonstrate that a levy on your wages would create an "immediate economic hardship" the levy may be released. In addition, an attorney can advocate on your behalf and help you set up a payment plan with the IRS that is presently feasible for you. You may also request a Collection Due Process hearing within 30 days of receiving your notice of levy. At this point, it is helpful to have an attorney who knows the procedures to help you make a proper request to terminate the wage levy as soon as possible. Connecticut also permits a levy on your wages when you fail to comply with a payment demand for back taxes.
Wage garnishments can be extremely detrimental to your finances. You will be unable to collect the amount of money for which you worked, possibly ruining financial plans that you have already made. Contacting a skilled Old Saybrook wage garnishment attorney is the best way to avoid losing your hard-earned wages if you are currently facing garnishment.
If you need legal assistance, contact Raymond J. Muratori, Attorney at Law, today by calling 860-388-3599. During an initial consultation you can learn what options may be available to you, and how Mr. Muratori may be of service. It is important to act quickly in order to ensure that you receive the full amount of your wages.
© 2025 Raymond J. Muratori, Attorney at Law | 222 Old Boston Post Rd. | Old Saybrook, CT 06475 | 860-388-3599